Cataloging Workflow Permissions

The following table lists cataloging tasks, the Polaris permissions required to do the tasks, the administrative levels at which they can be set, and the subsystems where the permissions are located. For a list of all cataloging permissions and the level at which they can be set, see Cataloging Permissions Reference.


To modify Polaris Administration profiles and parameters, you must have the following permissions:

  • Access administration: Allow
  • Modify parameters: Allow
  • Modify profiles: Allow

Workflow Required Permissions Administration Explorer Security Location

Maintain the Authority Catalog

Maintain authority control headings

Additional permission for enabling or disabling automatic re-indexing during the next server upgrade.

Access cataloging subsystem: Allow

Authority records: Access

Authority records: Create

Authority records: Delete/Undelete

Authority records: Modify

Authority templates: Access

Authority create links to authority records

Authority create links to bibliographic records

Access MARC Re-index during next server upgrade: Allow

System - Cataloging

System - Cataloging

System - Cataloging

System - Cataloging

System - Cataloging

System, Library - Cataloging

System - Cataloging

System - Cataloging

System - Cataloging

Maintain the standard authority control templates for the organization

Access cataloging subsystem: Allow

Authority records: Access

Authority templates: Access

Authority templates: Create

Authority templates: Delete

Authority templates: Modify

System - Cataloging

System - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

Use and edit the authority record templates the staff member created. (Add this permission to other authority control permissions to give staff members the ability to use their own templates without affecting the organization’s templates.)

Use ‘own’ authority templates: Allow

System - Cataloging

Maintain the Bibliographic Catalog

Add bibliographic entries to the catalog (original and copy cataloging)

Access cataloging subsystem: Allow

Bibliographic records: Access

Bibliographic records: Create

Bibliographic records: Modify

Bibliographic templates: Access

System - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch -- Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

Create authority records from heading tags in a bibliographic record

Authority records: Create

Bibliographic records: Access

System - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

Maintain existing bibliographic records, including replacing and protecting records.

Access cataloging subsystem: Allow

Bibliographic records: Access

Bibliographic records: Delete/Undelete

Bibliographic records: Modify

Modify Do not Overlay setting in Bib records: Allow

System - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System - Cataloging

Prevent warning messages from appearing when deleting multiple bibliographic records

Suppress warnings for breakable links when deleting multiple bibliographic records: Allow

Suppress warnings for unbreakable links and other stopping conditions, when deleting multiple bibliographic records: Allow

System - Cataloging

System - Cataloging

Additional permission for enabling or disabling automatic re-indexing during the next server upgrade.

Access MARC Re-index during next server upgrade: Allow

System - Cataloging

Bulk change bibliographic records

Access cataloging subsystem

Bibliographic records: Access (for all records)

Bibliographic records: Modify (for all records)

Cataloging record sets: Access

Cataloging record sets: Create

Cataloging record sets: Delete/Undelete

Cataloging record sets: Modify

Access bibliographic bulk change: Allow

Access bibliographic fixed fields bulk change: Allow

System - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch- Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System - Cataloging

System - Cataloging

Maintain bibliographic record templates used by the entire organization

Access cataloging subsystem: Allow

Bibliographic templates: Create

Bibliographic template: Access

Bibliographic templates: Delete

Bibliographic templates: Modify

Bibliographic records: Access

System - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch- Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

Use and edit the bibliographic record templates the staff member created. (Add to other bibliographic record permissions so staff members can use their own templates without affecting the organization’s templates.)

Use ‘own’ bibliographic templates: Allow

System - Cataloging

Protect bibliographic records from overlay.

Modify do not overlay setting in bib records: Allow

Bibliographic records: Access

Bibliographic records: Modify

(To change the setting in the Bib Bulk Change dialog or Import Setup window, the user must also have the required permissions for these functions.)

System - Cataloging

(Note: The Cataloging parameter, Bibliographic record do not overlay feature, must be set to Yes to display the Do not overlay checkbox in the Bibliographic Record workform, the Bib Bulk Change dialog box, and the Import Setup window.)

Maintain Item Records

Add item records to the catalog

Access cataloging subsystem: Allow

Item records: Create

Bibliographic records: Access

Item records: Access

Item records: Modify cataloging view

Item templates: Access

Override invalid item barcode message: Allow

System - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging


Maintain existing item records

Access cataloging subsystem: Allow

Item records: Access

Item records: Modify cataloging view

Item records: Modify header

Item records: Modify history view

Item records: Modify notes and notices view

Item records: Modify reserves view

Item records: Modify source and acquisition view

Item records: Delete/Undelete

Bibliographic records: Access

Note - Item records: Create is necessary to change the owner on the item record.

System - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

Prevent warning messages from appearing when deleting multiple item records

Suppress warnings for breakable links when deleting multiple item records: Allow

Suppress warnings for unbreakable links and other stopping conditions, when deleting multiple item records: Allow

System - Cataloging

System - Cataloging

Override and continue when invalid barcode message appears

Override invalid item barcode message: Allow

System - Cataloging

Maintain item records for ephemeral items so that they can be circulated

Quick-circ item records: Access

Branch - Cataloging

Quick-circ item records: Create

Branch - Cataloging

Quick-circ item records: Modify

Branch - Cataloging

Quick-circ item records: Delete

Branch - Cataloging

Create bibliographic records from item records or item templates

Create a bib record from the item or item template: Allow

System - Cataloging

Bulk change item records

Access cataloging subsystem: Allow

System - Cataloging

Item records: Access

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

Item records: Bulk change

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

Item records: Modify header

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

Cataloging record sets: Access

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

Cataloging record sets: Create

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

Cataloging record sets: Modify

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

Access item record bulk change: Allow

System - Cataloging

Bulk change item records using templates Item bulk change templates: Access

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

Item bulk change templates: Create

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

Item bulk change templates: Delete

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

Item bulk change templates: Modify

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

Maintain item templates used by the organization

Access cataloging subsystem: Allow

System - Cataloging

Item templates: Create

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

Item templates: Delete

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

Item templates: Access

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

Item templates: Modify

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

Item records: Access

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

Use and edit the item templates the staff member created. (Add this permission to other workflow permissions to allow the staff member access to templates they created.)

Use ‘own’ item templates: Allow

System - Cataloging

Use 'own' item bulk change templates System - Cataloging

Maintain Weeding Template and Record Sets - Leap Only

Maintain Weeding Templates

Weeding templates: Access

Weeding templates: Create

Weeding templates: Modify

Weeding templates: Delete

(Leap only)

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging
Maintain Weeding Record Sets

Cataloging record sets: Access

Cataloging Record Sets: Modify

Cataloging record sets: Create

Cataloging record sets: Delete/Undelete

(Leap only)

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging
Review Weeding Record Sets

Weeding: Decline

Weeding: Submit for approval

(Leap only)

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging
Approve Weeding Record Sets

Weeding: Approve

Weeding: Decline

(Leap only)

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

Maintain Labels for the Organization

Create, modify, and delete label configurations

Label Manager Configuration: Create

Label Manager Configuration: Delete

Label Manager Configuration: Modify

System - Cataloging

System - Cataloging

System - Cataloging

Maintain Import Profiles in Import Profile Manager

Create, modify, and delete import profiles

Import profiles: Access

Import profiles: Create

Import profiles: Delete

Import profiles: Modify

System - Cataloging

System - Cataloging

System - Cataloging

System - Cataloging

Import Records

Import bibliographic, authority, and item records using Express Import

Bibliographic records: Create

Bibliographic records: Modify

Authority records: Create

Authority records: Modify

Express import: Allow

Item records: Create

Cataloging record sets: Create

Cataloging record sets: Access

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System - Cataloging

System - Cataloging

System - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

Import bibliographic, authority, and item records using Full Import

Bibliographic records: Create

Bibliographic records: Modify

Authority records: Create

Authority records: Modify

Import bibliographic, item and authority records: Allow

Item records: Create

Cataloging record sets: Create

Cataloging record sets: Access

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System - Cataloging

System - Cataloging

System - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

Manage your own import jobs from the import jobs queue

Import bibliographic, item and authority records: Allow or Express import: Allow

System - Cataloging

Manage import jobs for a branch or for the system

Manage import jobs for this organization: Allow

System, Branch - Cataloging

Specify blackout times when importing cannot be run.

Modify import blackout times: Allow

System - System Administration

Export Records

Export bibliographic, authority, and item records from the Polaris catalog

Export bibliographic, item and authority records: Allow

System - Cataloging

Export Cataloging record sets from Leap to Excel

Note: You can only export record sets owned at the System, Library, or Branch level. Record sets owned by individuals cannot be exported.

Cataloging record sets: Export

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

Maintain Cataloging Record Sets

Maintain authority, bibliographic, and item record sets used by the entire organization

Access cataloging subsystem: Allow

Cataloging record sets: Access

Cataloging record sets: Modify

Cataloging record sets: Delete/Undelete

Bibliographic records: Access

Authority records: Access

Item records: Access

System - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

Use and edit the authority, bibliographic, and item record sets the staff member created

Use ‘own’ cataloging record sets

System - Cataloging

Purge Cataloging Records Marked as Deleted

Maintain purge criteria that are used to purge cataloging records from the database when they are marked for deletion but retained in the database

Purge criteria: Access

Purge criteria: Delete

Purge criteria: Create

Purge criteria: Modify

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

Maintain Course Reserves

Maintain course reserve records

Access cataloging subsystem: Allow

Course reserve records: Access

Course reserve records: Delete

Course reserve records: Create

Course reserve records: Modify

Patron registration: Access

Patron registration: Modify

System - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

Branch - Circulation

Branch - Circulation

Maintain reserve items

Item records: Access

Item records: Modify reserves view

Auto delete processing of reserve item records: Allow

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System - Cataloging

Maintain reserve item templates used by the organization

Reserve item templates: Access

Reserve item templates: Create

Reserve item templates: Modify

Reserve item templates: Delete

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

Use and edit the reserve item templates the staff member created

Use ‘own’ reserve item templates: Allow

System - Cataloging

Maintain course reserve templates for the organization

Course reserve templates: Access

Course reserve templates: Delete

Course reserve templates: Create

Course reserve templates: Modify

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

Update URL Links

Use the Polaris URL Detective, which is available from the Utilities menu if your library has purchased this product.

Use URL Detective: Allow

System - Cataloging

Maintain Community records

Maintain Community records (if your library has purchased Community Profiles)

Community records: Access

Community records: Create

Community records: Modify

Community records: Delete

System, Library, Branch, Staff, Workstation - Cataloging

Managing Event imports

Event import profiles: Access

Event import profiles: Create

Event import profiles: Modify

Event import profiles: Delete

System - Cataloging

Maintain Promotion records

Work with Promotion records (if your library has purchased Feature It)

Access cataloging subsystem: Allow

Promotion records: Access

Promotion records: Create

Promotion records: Modify

Promotion records: Delete


System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging

Feature bibliographic records

Bibliographic records: Access

System, Library, Branch - Cataloging